Why Traditional Resolutions Fail Christians

Sunday, November 26, 2023

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Why Traditional Resolutions Fail Christians

As the New Year approaches, Christians living in a demanding world seek renewal and growth. Finding the strength we need to tackle life’s challenges is crucial – not just for our bodies but for our spirit and soul as well.

As Christians we have a unique perspective on strength that extends far beyond comprehension, as we understand the importance of having the Lord as our strength.

The ‘tradition’ of New Year’s Resolutions has convinced many Christians to believe health and fitness promises for the coming year.

The Challenge of New Year’s Resolutions

The ancient ‘tradition’ was to make promises to the heathen god Janus. However, this tradition is still widely practised by many Christians. It is therefore no coincidence that today over 88% of resolutions fail. But the good news is you have another way to start the year.

A Covenant for New Year, New Strength

Repeating unhealthy habits, which may include overeating, excess alcohol/sugar, processed food, lack of sleep, will ultimately send the blood sugar, heart rate, fat, weight and stress levels into a frenzy.

So instead, replace them with a New Year New Strength covenant with God, one that is rooted in discipline, perseverance and self-control. Because these qualities are deeply rooted in Christian teachings, they can be harnessed for our holistic well-being.

The God-centred Approach to Strength

Remember that strength isn’t just limited to weight training. It’s a tripartite concept that involves physical, mental and spiritual resilience.

We should view our bodies as vessels or even temples of the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, we are called to honour and care for our bodies, which includes taking regular exercise, proper nutrition, having sufficient sleep, and other self-care practices. These are essential components of building strength to better serve our family, community and God.

The Blessings of Strength Training

Exercise is one of the best things we can do for our health to prevent disease. God’s Word said to ‘…discipline your body and make it your slave!’ (1 Corinthians 9:26).

Using resistance as part of your physical health plan enhances strength and vitality. Resistance training ­– incorporating body weight exercises and resistance bands – enhances strength, can improve glucose levels, and slows down ageing by up to 20 years!

Besides, people of the Bible lived in motion and had physical strength. Without emotional/mental and spiritual resilience it would affect your vitality and purpose, as all are interconnected.

Five Tips for Strengthening Your Journey

1. Make physical strength training a priority. Evaluate your current strength training practices with consistency and discipline.

2. Seek guidance, support and God’s presence in your health and fitness journey.

3. Make a commitment to improve your physical strength while maintaining a spiritual connection.

4. Draw closer to God and ask Him where you can improve your mental strength to help support your physical strength.

5. Daily ask yourself the following: How many hours of strength training are you doing? What exercises are you doing regularly? If your schedule is irregular, what is your plan to make it more consistent? Are there any barriers? What strength exercises could you try?

Are you not strength training because you don’t know what to do? If you haven’t been strength training, then start now! If you do not know what to do, consider joining ‘The Strength of a Woman’ FREE webinar to help build the ultimate strength plan for 2024.

Webinar for the New Year: ‘The Strength of a Woman’

If you’re eager to build strength in spirit, soul and body to face these tough times, you are invited to join me on this Zoom webinar: ‘The Strength of a Woman’ on January 8 at 7pm. During this 45-minute session, designed for Christian women, I’ll be sharing insights to empower you in several areas of your life.

1. Spiritual Empowerment: You’ll discover how to fortify your faith in God, nurture your spiritual connection, and cultivate resilience in the face of life’s challenges.

2. Emotional Healing and Wholeness: We’ll explore the transformative power of self-compassion, forgiveness, and learn how to find emotional balance, inner peace, and manage emotions and stress.

3. Holistic Well-being: Understand the interconnectedness of your faith, emotional well-being, and physical health – fitness and diet. Develop a well-being routine to rejuvenate your spirit, soul and body.

Should you build your spirit, soul and physical strength now?

Before you consider starting a journey to strength and resilience you'll want to hear this!

I reveal what I believe to be the 3 things that a Christian woman should do before they start the long process of building strength. 

To see what those things are and have some of your burning questions answered. 

Click the button below to join the FREE webinar. Plus some special bonuses when you show up live, you don't want to miss it!

Hi, I'm Oliva Williams
Your go-to Christian Health & Fitness Coach

Founder of ScriptFit, a qualified health and fitness coach, personal trainer, and public speaker. She is available to give talks and lead workshops on well-being, health, fitness and nutrition. Email: olivia@scriptfit.com for more details.

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Hi there,

I'm Olivia Williams

Your go-to Christian health and fitness coach. A clinical exercise specialist, former body builder. Armed with qualifications in health coaching, personal training, weightloss, nutrition, and Ministry. We're on a divine mission to empower Christians to prosper and be in good health! Will you join us on the journey?


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