9 Week Transformation

16 Members

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Hey all ScriptFitters!

We are excited to get our "9 Week Transformation Program" started in literally 6 hours! (sorry this is a little last minute)

You can easily add the LIVE broadcasts to your calendar by clicking on your calendar program’s icon below. This will help you set aside time to prioritize this program and attend distraction-free.

Here's the link to add all events straight to your calendar with just the click of a button:

(If this does not work for...
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Just wanted to hop on say the 7 min replay workouts have helped me! My legs and knees especially. Ha, my son likes to join me too on the cardio it’s so cute! I like the idea of diving into scripture too. I’m trying to carve out time to meditate, do the workbook and session. 

Here is a photo of me with my son working out together! 😊

We'd like to hear from you!

It's week 3 of 9 (almost halfway point) and we'd love to hear your feedback. The good, the bad, and the amazing! The more honest you are, the better we can serve you.

Please, if you will, take 1 minute to fill out this survey: https://www.scriptfit.com/9-week-program-survey


3 of 9 weeks

We are now on week 3 of 9 weeks :) are you guys still drinking your water? I hope so! What are you proud of achieving? I would say being consistent with getting 2L of water on most days. Also I would say eating less junk foods & being mindful of consuming more God made foods.

If you are struggling with what you are eating. Just know you are not alone :) you can develop that inner self discipline. Come before the Lord and pray daily. Hope the pray helps you in jesus name amen.

Here is a video I ...
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What do you need help with?

Hi, all! 

Good evening.

How is your week going? 

What help do you need this week?


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