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ATTENTION: Christians looking to shed pounds the 'Divine' Way!
Join The Word & Weightloss Masterclass (For FREE!) and receive Godly principles and practical strategies to lose weight God's natural way in just 45 minutes.
PLUS, Get Entered to Win a prize (For FREE) Just For Showing Up and making it to the end!
Aligning your weight loss journey with God’s divine plan using seven simple keys you can use each day.
Embrace a balanced approach that integrates faith and health.
Recognise your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit.
We will uncover the most common pitfalls in today's 'worldly' diets and shed light on how to nourish your body in a way that honors God and prioritizes your health and well-being.
Let's explore how adopting a Christian-based diet can not only benefit your physical health but also nurture your spiritual connection.
Learn effective strategies to boost your weight loss journey no matter
your current stage in life.
These tips are timeless and will uncover the secrets to speeding up your metabolism the Godly way.
Olivia is a health, fitness, and life coach, former body builder, clinical exercise and weight loss specialist, columnist, nutritionist, public speaker, and Minister.
Founder of ScriptFit, where she's on a divine mission to empower Faith filled Christians to prosper and be in good health. She teaches Christians Health success principles based on the Bible.
Olivia has been showcased in leading the first NHS Digital Therapeutics App, Beef Magazine, Keep the Faith Magazine and speaks on international platforms.
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