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Cinnamon tea 🍵 Ceylon Cinnamon Powder have you tried it?
Got myself some cinnamon to drink :) after seeing Olivia's post about cinnamon on her IG page. I have been enjoying drinking it. Have a look on Pinterest you can find many benefits. I need to start drinking it more regular. What are the main health benefits would you say there are?
@Olivia Williams
Has anyone ever tried it? This type of cinnamon is suppose to be better for you.
Has anyone ever tried it? This type of cinnamon is suppose to be better for you.
1st day at the gym in 2025!=)
I made it back to the gym :) after getting a cold for a few days. It feels good to be back my mood has already improved. I had my 1st dress fitting as well I am really happy with my dress. Excited to get married now roll on next month!=)